An integrated view of “electricity” from two perspectives: actual objects and abstract concepts.

The type of engineer we aim to produce

The miniaturization and increasing performance of computers have greatly changed the lives of human beings, leading to a global information and communication revolution. In the near future, we will be able to obtain the necessary information in the necessary form across space and time, and dreams of assistance by conscious robots and medical applications of cyborg technology will be realized. In Cluster 2, students study computer-based system control, information management, transistors, and integrated circuits to develop and research new technologies that will be needed in the future. Cluster 2 is characterized by the comprehensive treatment of “electricity” from two perspectives: the actual objects of electricity and electronics, and the abstract concepts of information and systems. Ultimately, we aim to train engineers who can meet the needs of the time.

Features of the Educational Program

Program of Electronic Devices and Systems

Students can systematically study physics such as electromagnetism and quantum mechanics, basic electrical studies such as electronic circuit theory, and manufacturing and design techniques for integrated systems. The course aims to provide students with the basic concepts and advanced knowledge and application techniques in the fields of physical properties and materials science, semiconductor devices, and integrated circuits and systems necessary for the development of electronics.

Major Specialized Subjects
Electromagnetism I, Electromagnetism II, Exercise of Electromagnetism I, Exercise of Electromagnetism II, Introduction to Physical Electronics, Quantum Mechanics, Introduction to Semiconductor Devices and Circuits, Solid State Physics, Logic System Design, Electronic Circuits

Program of Electrical,Systems and Information Engineering

In addition to the basic theories in the fields of electric circuits and energy, information engineering, artificial intelligence (AI), measurement and control, and system planning and management that are necessary for engineers to control, design, and manage systems related to electrical technology, students can learn about the applications of electric power systems, computers, robots, bioinformation systems, and social information systems, and acquire the skills necessary to analyze and design industrial and social systems.

Major Specialized Subjects
Circuit Theory II, Electronic Circuits, Exercise of Electric Circuit, Control Systems Engineering I, Signal Processing Engineering, Exercises in Measurement and Control Engineering, Mathematical Programming, Fundamentals of Probability Theory, Exercises in Systems Planning and Control


Outstanding achievements of Cluster 2

  • Press Releases
  • Awards
  • Awards Received by Students

Press Releases

  • 2024年6月20日 NHK総合 「午後LIVEニュースーン」で「人工筋を組み込んだアシストスーツや建設機械の遠隔操作などについて紹介」栗田雄一教授
  • 2023年5月10日 OPTRONICS(月刊,株式会社オプトロニクス社)Vol. 42,連載・シリーズ:若手研究者の挑戦「ビスマス系III-V族半導体半金属混晶の結晶欠陥制御に基づく光学・テラヘルツ両デバイス」,(富永 依里子)
  • 2023年2月1日 配管技術(月刊,日本工業出版)「高速度カメラによる遠隔振動体感システムの開発」,(島﨑航平 助教,藤田浩太朗,ANANTA ADHI WARDANA 研究員,石井 抱 教授)
  • 2022年12月6日 日刊工業新聞「5本指で缶潰す 軽量大出力のロボハンド開発」,(鮑 元昊,高木 健 教授)
  • 2022年11月23日 日刊工業新聞「広島大、回転反射鏡で毎秒500回撮影 高速物体計測向け二眼カメラ開発」,(李 慶,石井 抱 教授)
  • 2022年9月22日 NHK総合 「お好みワイドひろしま」で「触感が製品の付加価値に影響を与えることを世界で初めて実験で実証」栗田雄一教授、他一名
  • 2021年11月19日 日経産業新聞「半導体材料、細菌が回収 –広島大、素子作製にも挑む-」,(富永 依里子,岡村 好子(工学部第三類 教授))
  • 2021年1月14日 電気新聞「単相同期化インバータ-実用化へ」,(餘利野 直人,造賀 芳文,佐々木 豊)
  • 2021年2月20日発行「電力・エネルギー産業を変革する50の技術」(オーム社):分担執筆(単相同期化力インバータの研究成果),(餘利野 直人,造賀 芳文,佐々木 豊,関﨑 真也)
  • 2020年4月15日 中国新聞・朝刊 触感イメージ3D化 広島大 数値入力ソフト開発
  • 2020年11月13日 日刊工業新聞 うつ症状を高精度識別  広島大がAI診断技術
  • 2019年10月18日 日刊工業新聞 ペースに合わせもも上げ 慣性センサー・人工筋肉搭載
  • 2019年6月27日 中国新聞・朝刊  筋電義手 円滑さ実現 広島大 3Dプリンターで制作"
  • 2019年6月28日 日刊工業新聞 機械学習で操作容易 広島大、筋電義手に新型
  • 2019年7月9日 日経産業新聞 筋電義手、複雑な動き容易に。
  • 2019年6月26日 MIT Technology Review Machine learning makes a better Luke Skywalker hand
  • 日本工業出版「光アライアンス Vol. 30」に「分身の術が使える超高速なロボットの目」(著者:石井抱)が掲載


  • キオクシア株式会社2023年度奨励研究優秀研究賞を受賞,2024.6.14,天川修平 教授
  • The 5th International Workshop on Smart Radio for IoT Era(SRIoT 2024)でBest Paper Awardを受賞 , 2024.7.2, M1 大内 駿輝、M1 畑木 達也、M2 赤坂 瀬玲菜、亀田 卓教授
  • 日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会 中国・四国支部長賞,日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会 中国・四国支部,2023.3.31,岡田 佳樹
  • 日本知能情報ファジィ学会 中国・四国支部奨励賞,日本知能情報ファジィ学会 中国・四国支部,2023.3.15,博士課程前期2年 佃 圭悟,西﨑 一郎 教授,林田 智弘 准教授,関﨑 真也 助教
  • 令和4年度生体医歯工学共同研究拠点成果報告会 優秀ポスター賞,生体医歯工学共同研究拠点,2023.3.3,富永依里子 准教授,岡村 好子 教授(工学部 第三類),ほか学外者2名
  • IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter 若手研究会 実行委員会奨励賞,2022 IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter 若手研究会,2022.12.18,博士課程前期2年 前田 伊吹,林田 智弘 准教授,西﨑 一郎 教授,関﨑 真也 助教,ほか学外者1名
  • IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter Young Researcher Award,2022 IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter 若手研究会,2022.12.18,博士課程前期1年 古川 竜也,林田 智弘 准教授,西﨑 一郎 教授,関﨑 真也 助教,ほか学外者2名
  • MIKA 2022ポスター賞(若手部門),電子情報通信学会 革新的無線通信技術に関する横断型研究会MIKA2022,2022.10.15,赤坂 瀬玲菜
  • YOC奨励賞,電気学会 電力・エネルギー部門,2022.9.29,博士課程前期2年 寺山 正剛,関﨑 真也 助教,西﨑 一郎 教授,林田 智弘 准教授,ほか学外者2名
  • 電気学会中国支部奨励賞,電気学会中国支部,2022.1.11,博士課程前期2年 當麻 晃由,関﨑 真也 助教,西﨑 一郎 教授,林田 智弘 准教授
  • IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter 若手研究会 実行委員会奨励賞,2021 IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter 若手研究会,2021.12.18,博士課程前期1年 前田 伊吹,林田 智弘 准教授,西﨑 一郎 教授,関﨑 真也 助教
  • 日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会 令和3年度中国・四国地区SSOR 優秀論文賞 及び 最優秀発表賞,日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会 中国・四国地区SSOR,2021.11.14,博士課程前期1年 佃 圭悟,西﨑 一郎 教授,林田 智弘 准教授,関﨑 真也 助教
  • 技術委員会奨励賞,2020年電子・情報・システム部門制御研究会,2021.1.31,保木本 祐介,林田 智弘 准教授,西崎 一郎 教授,関崎 真也 助教
  • SI2020優秀講演賞,第21回 計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門講演会,2020.12.25,川原 大宙, 妹尾 拓 准教授, 石井 抱 教授
  • SI2020優秀講演賞,第21回 計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門講演会,博士課程前期1年 城明 舜磨  博士課程前期2年 大西亮太 古居 彬 助教 辻 敏夫 教授2020/12/25,
  • SI2020優秀講演賞,第21回 計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門講演会,博士課程前期2年 阪井 浩人 古居 彬 助教 辻 敏夫 教授/12/25,
  • SI2020優秀講演賞,第21回 計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門講演会,博士課程前期2年 岸下 健太 栗田 雄一 教授2020/12/25,
  • 計測自動制御学会学会賞(著述賞),計測自動制御学会,2020/10/30,広島大学大学院先進理工系科学研究科 山本透教授 脇谷伸講師
  • 優秀研究・技術賞,一般社団 日本ロボット学会 会長 浅 田稔,2020.10.9,妹尾 拓 准教授
  • 電気学会優秀論文発表賞,一般社団法人 電気学会 会長,2020/9/24,博士課程前期2年 則行 弘喜, 造賀 芳文准教授, 餘利野 直人教授, 佐々木 豊助教
  • 工学教育賞,日本工学教育協会,2020/9/9,広島大学大学院先進理工系科学研究科 山本透教授 脇谷伸講師
  • ヤングエンジニアオーラル発表コンペティション(YOC)優秀発表賞,一般社団法人 電気学会 電力・エネルギー部門長,2020/9/11,博士課程前期1年 妙中宏行, 餘利野 直人教授, 造賀 芳文准教授, 佐々木 豊助教
  • ROBOMECH表彰,一般社団法人 日本機械学会 ロボティクス ・メカトロニクス部門 第98期部門長 谷川民生,2020/5/28,妹尾 拓 准教授

Awards Received by Students

Number of Awards

Admission Information

In accordance with the admission policy, we offer three entrance examinations: the General Entrance Examination, February-Term and March-Term, and the Hiroshima University splendor (Hikari Kagayaki) Entrance Examination (Comprehensive Selection TypeⅡ). In addition, we offer a third-year transfer examination mainly for students who have graduated or will graduate from the institute of technology. Each entrance examination has its own characteristics in terms of the evaluation method and examation method and is open to a wide range of students.

First year admission (Admission Capacity: 90 students)

General Entrance Examination, February-Term (Admission Capacity: 70 students)
Students are required to take the Common Test for University Admission (seven subjects in five subject areas) and the independent tests given by Hiroshima University in mathematics, science (physics, chemistry), and foreign languages. In the early scheduled entry exam, the ratio of points allocated to the independent tests is higher than that of the Common Test for University Admission, and the emphasis is placed on the independent tests, which are mainly written tests.

General Entrance Examination, March-Term (Admission Capacity: 8 students)
The entrance examination consists of the Common Test for University Admission (four subjects in six subject areas) and an interview. In the interview, the applicant will be asked questions about his or her interest in science and technology, ability to think logically, motivation to study, and aptitude. In the second round test, the ratio of points allocated to the Common Test for University Admission is extremely high, as the special emphasis is placed on basic academic skills based on the Common Test for University Admission.

Hiroshima University Splendor (Hikari Kagayaki) Entrance Examination (Comprehensive Selection TypeⅡ) (Admission Capacity: 2 students)
The first screening (application documents, essay, and interview) and the final screening (Common Test for University Admission) are used to determine the final successful applicants. In the essay and interview, applicants will be tested on their motivation for applying, aptitude, academic ability in mathematics and physics, writing ability, application ability, and ability to be creative and inventive.
In addition to the above-mentioned selection that requires the Common Test for University Admission (Comprehensive Selection Type II), we are also recruiting a few students for the International Baccalaureate (IB) Entrance Examination.

Entrance Examination for Engineering Special Course, February-Term (Admission Capacity: 45 students in the entire School of Engineering. About 10 students are assigned to Cluster 2 after the first semester of the first year)
Students are required to take the Common Test for University Admission (seven subjects in five subject areas) and the independent tests given by Hiroshima University in mathematics, science (two subjects from physics, chemistry, and biology), and are screened for acceptance or rejection based on their total score. At the end of the first semester of the first year, ten students are assigned to Cluster 2 according to preferences and grades in the first semester of the first year.

Selection for International Students, February- and March-Term
In February-Term, in addition to the results of Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students and the English Language Proficiency tests designated by the university, the results of the individual achievement test (same as the general entrance examination, February-Term) and an interview will be used to evaluate the applicant’s academic performance. For March-Term, the results of the Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students and the English Language Proficiency tests designated by the university, as well as an interview, will be used to evaluate the applicant’s academic performance.

Third-year university transfer (Admission Capacity: 3 students)

The evaluation of the interview, transcript, and TOEIC®/TOEFL® score certificate will be combined to determine the applicant’s acceptance or rejection. In the interview, the applicant will be asked questions about his/her specialty (electromagnetism, electric circuits, or information and systems engineering) and mathematics to evaluate his/her basic academic skills and logical thinking ability.

Detailed Information

“For details on the application period, selection method, and pass/fail criteria, please refer to the application guidelines on the following website. The website also provides the results of past entrance examinations and information on how to obtain past exam questions.
Admission Information, Hiroshima University
Admission Information, School of Engineering, Hiroshima University”

Faculty Voices

Professor Yutaka Kadoya

Professor Yutaka Kadoya

Quantum Optics Laboratory

Electrical and electronic (EE) technologies are used not only in industry, but also in every aspect of our society and daily lives. There is no end to the expectations for them, including the improvement of the performance of social infrastructure such as power systems and communication, as well as computers, autonomous driving, automatic control, and the Internet of Things (IOT), etc. Artificial intelligence (AI), which is a recent hot topic in the application of information science, has not been enabled without the advancement of EE technologies. In addition, implementations of AI in real-world devices and systems are also the significant role of EEE. At Cluster II of Faculty of Engineering in Hiroshima University, you can learn a wide range of topics from the basics to the cutting edge of electrical and electronics technology, including quantum science and technology, semiconductor devices, sensors, radio waves and light, integrated systems, computers, communication systems, power systems, robots, and biosystems. Let's work together to create the next world with the EE technologies. We look forward to your enrollment.

Professor Yuichi Kurita

Professor Yuichi Kurita

Biological Systems Laboratory

In the program of Electrical, Systems and Information Engineering, of which I am a member, students can study fundamental theories in the fields of electric circuits and energy, AI, control, and system planning, as well as applications such as power systems, computers, robots, biological systems, and human-machine systems. You can learn the skills needed to use ICT technology to change the world to make it easier to live.
When I started to work at Hiroshima University in 2011, I never thought that the world would change so drastically in 10 years. I believe that the knowledge you can learn in our program is becoming even more critical. I hope that you will learn to take charge of your situation no matter what happens in the world at our school.

More Information

Address & Contact Information


Hiroshima University, Cluster 2 (Electrical, Electronic and Systems Engineering)
〒739-8527 1-4-1, Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima

Transportation Information

Please click here for the 
bus and JR timetables.

Direction to Higashi-Hiroshima Campus

By Local Train (San-yō Line)

From Saijyo Station: Around 20 minutes by the public bus bound for Hiroshima University.
From Hachihonmatsu Station: Around 20 minutes by the public bus bound for Hiroshima University.
There are more buses departing from Saijo Station than from Hachihonmatsu Station.

By Bullet Train (San-yō Shinkansen)

From Higashi-Hiroshima Station: Around 15 minutes by the public bus bound for Hiroshima University.

In some cases, it is quicker to get off at Hiroshima Station on the San-yō Shinkansen and take the JR San-yō Line to Saijo Station.
Cabs are also available from Higashi-Hiroshima Station, with a fare of about 2,000 yen.

By Air

JR provides bus services from Hiroshima Airport to Shiraich Station (San-yō Line). The train from Shiraichi Station takes just under 10 minutes to Saijyo Station, and you can get a bus bound for Hiroshima University from the station.

By High Way Bus

JR provides high way bus services (Green Phoenix) from Hiroshima Bus Center to Hiroshima Univeristy. There are 15 round trips per day.

Nearest Bus Stop to Cluster 2

Hirodai-Chuouguchi:The School of Engineering’s A1 building is about 500 meters to the south. Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matter (Laboratories related to Program of Electronic Devices and Systems) is about 200 meters to the east.
Hirodai-Higashiguchi:The School of Engineering’s A1 building is about 200 meters to the west. Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matter (Laboratories related to Program of Electronic Devices and Systems) is about 200 meters to the north.
In some cases, it is quicker to get off at Hirodai-Chuouguchi because the bus goes around to the left.

By Car

The entrance gate is closed all day on weekdays and after 9:00 p.m. on holidays. Please enter through the “Main Gate” located between the School of Law and the School of Science.

Campus Map


Contact Information


Office of Cluster 2, School of Engineering
Room 124, A1 Building, School of Engineering

  • (082) 424-7527
  • (082) 422-7195
  • kou-kyo-sien2 @ office . hiroshima-u . ac . jp

#The email address is modified to prevent spam.


Website administrator of Cluster 2, School of Engineering

  • eng2-www-staffs @ ml . hiroshima-u . ac . jp

#The email address is modified to prevent spam.