In Cluster 2, the School of Engineering, all students will study mainly in liberal arts education courses in the first year. From the second year, students will be assigned to either the “Program of Electrical, Systems and Information Engineering” or the ” Program of Electronic Devices and Systems.” By providing a curriculum that allows students to systematically study each specialized course from basic to advanced, we nurture students with solid basic skills and deep expertise. Basic and specialized courses overlap among programs, and are designed to provide students with the specialized knowledge and applied skills necessary in their respective fields.

Four-year Learning Process

Four-year Learning ProcessFour-year Learning Process

2 Educational Programs

Program of Electronic Devices and Systems

Students can systematically learn the fundamentals of physical and electrical systems, including electromagnetism, quantum mechanics, semiconductor device engineering, and electronic circuit theory, as well as manufacturing and design techniques for integrated systems, including experiments and practical training, which are necessary for engineers who develop semiconductor electronic devices, optical elements, and integrated systems.

Jobs that allow you to use your expertise
Semiconductors, Devices, Electricity, Electronics, Automobiles, Communications, Software, Electric power, etc.

Program of Electrical, Systems and Information Engineering

In addition to basic theories in the fields of electric circuits and energy, information engineering, artificial intelligence (AI), measurement and control, and system planning and management, which are necessary for engineers who control, design, and manage systems related to electrical technology, students can learn about applications such as power systems, computers, robots, biological information systems, and social information systems, and acquire the skills necessary for analyzing and designing industrial and social systems.

Jobs that allow you to use your expertise
Electrical, Electronics, Electric power, Machinery, Automobiles, Software, Solutions, etc.

Specialized subjects

The red circle “” indicates the main specialized subject to be learned.

Subdivisions of Specialized Subjects Program Program of Electrical, Systems and Information Engineering Program of Electronic Devices and Systems Main Subject
Subdivisions of Specialized Subjects Program Program of Electrical, Systems and Information Engineering Program of Electronic Devices and Systems Main Subject
Basic specialized subjects Applied mathematics (calculus, series, vectors and matrices), Electronic systems (principles and structure of transistors, principles of computers), Electric circuit theory, Programming, Engineering experiments
Specialized subjects Materials science Electromagnetism, Quantum mechanics, Nanotechnology
Specialized subjects Integrated systems Semiconductor device engineering, Logic system design, Basics of integrated circuits and design methods
Specialized subjects Electric circuits and energy Circuit theory, Electronic circuits, Power systems engineering, Energy generation and conversion
Specialized subjects Measurement and control Signal processing engineering, Robotics, Communication engineering
Specialized subjects Systems planning and management Mathematical programming, Simulation Engineering, Decision making theory, Production management theory
Specialized subjects Computer science Digital circuit design, Computer configuration theory, Operating system, Computer network
Specialized subjects Informatics and mathematics Algorithms and data structures, Programming languages, Intelligent systems

The red circle “” indicates the main specialized subject to be learned.


  • Program of Electronic Devices and Systems

Frontier Integrated Systems Laboratory

Frontier Integrated Systems Laboratory

We are studying devices using ultrahigh-frequency integrated circuits up to the terahertz band, which has properties between radio waves and light, as well as sensors and communication systems that use these circuits. By creating ultrahigh-frequency devices with silicon CMOS integrated circuits suitable for mass production, we make it easy for anyone to use devices with innovative performance. The sixth generation (6G), which will follow the fifth-generation communications (so-called 5G) that began in 2020, is expected to include wireless communications in the 300 GHz band using the terahertz band. In 2019, we have realized the world's first single-chip CMOS transceiver capable of 80 gigabits per second wireless communication using the 300 GHz band.
The realization of an innovative device is the result of a steady process of improving the elemental circuits that make it up. The technology used in the past is not always truly the best method. We realize innovative performance by going back to basic theory and the laws of physics, considering why we do what we do, creating devices, and evaluating them.

  • Minoru Fujishima

    ProfessorMinoru Fujishima

  • Takeshi Yoshida

    ProfessorTakeshi Yoshida

Electronic Device Engineering Laboratory

Electronic Device Engineering Laboratory

We work on radio-frequency (RF) integrated circuit design, measurement, and device modeling. Computer-aided design (CAD) of analog and RF circuits has not been as successful as for digital circuits. We are interested in gaining design insights that will benefit practicing circuit designers and development of RF CAD. We also look at characterization and modeling of devices up to millimeter-wave frequencies. We are also involved in the development of device noise measurement solutions covering high frequencies and low temperatures.

  • Shuhei Amakawa

    ProfessorShuhei Amakawa

Research Institute for Semiconductor Engineering

Research Institute for Semiconductor Engineering

The Research Institute for Semiconductor Engineering was founded, aiming to develop the fundamental technologies necessary to achieve global excellence in electronic and bio integrated sciences for preventive medicine and ubiquitous diagnoses on early stages of illnesses in the future advanced medical-care society beyond the present information society. The institute is equipped with two super clean rooms (R&D CMOS fabs), and here researchers could fabricate their own integrated devices. The research field includes Nano-Integration, Integrated Systems, Molecular Bioinformation and Nanomedicine. The Research Institute for Nanodevices is selected as one of 1. MEXT’s Research Center for Bio Medical Engineering, 2. MEXT’s Advanced Research Infrastructure for Materials and Nanotechnology (ARIM), 3. METI’s J-Innovation HUB.

  • Masakazu Iwasaka

    ProfessorMasakazu Iwasaka

  • Suguru Kameda

    ProfessorSuguru Kameda

  • Shin-Ichiro Kuroki

    ProfessorShin-Ichiro Kuroki

  • Akinobu Teramoto

    ProfessorAkinobu Teramoto

  • Hideki Gotoh

    ProfessorHideki Gotoh

  • Tetsushi Koide

    Associate ProfessorTetsushi Koide

  • Anri Nakajima

    Associate ProfessorAnri Nakajima

  • Masataka Miyake

    Associate ProfessorMasataka Miyake

  • Ryo Yokogawa

    Assistant ProfessorRyo Yokogawa

Material Science Nanotechnology Laboratory

Material Science Nanotechnology Laboratory

Currently, transistors in electronic devices used in computers and smartphones are getting smaller, reaching the level of several tens of nanometers. A nanometer is one millionth of a millimeter (10-9m).
Our group is conducting research on nanotechnology. Nanotechnology is a technology that fabricates and processes nanometer-sized materials and utilizes their specific physical properties. In particular, we are studying nanotechnology and nanoscience for future electronic devices with the keywords of "surface science", "self-assembly", and "nanomaterials". Through the research work, the students can obtain ability to work on technological development in various fields including electronic devices development.

  • Hitoshi Suzuki

    Associate ProfessorHitoshi Suzuki

  • Hiroyuki Sakaue

    Assistant ProfessorHiroyuki Sakaue

Quantum Optics Laboratory

Quantum Optics Laboratory

(Prof. Kadoya)
[1] Development of high performance THz wave emitter and detector
[2] Research on light wave manipulation by meta-surface

Quantum optics and quantum information (Prof. Hofmann)
At the photon level, light exhibits quantum properties that exceed the classical limit. Such non-classical properties of light can be used to realize a variety of advanced quantum information technologies. Theoretical knowledge is indispensable to understand the possibilities of quantum information. In our ongoing research, we use the mathematics of the Hilbert space formalism to analyze measurement statistics and to identify the limits of control for the quantum states of light and matter in order to clarify the operating principles of recent quantum technologies.
[3] Non-local quantum correlations in entangled states
Correlations between two quantum systems can be so strong that they cannot be explained by any combination of local values for these properties. A quantum state with such a correlation is called an entangled state. The theoretical investiation of the non-classical features of entanglement are the topic of this research.
[4] Research on quantum measurement
Due to the uncertainty principle, quantum states cannot be explained by the statistics observed in only one type of measurement. We investigate the trade-off between measurement uncertainties and the dynamics of measurement interactions in order to understand and control the non-classical features of quantum statistics and quantum information.
[5] Multi-photon interferometry
Because of their quantum correlations, multi-photon states can be used to achieve very high phase sensitivities in optical interferometers. In our research we analyze the statistics of multi photon interference using the Hilbert space algebra of multi photon states to identify the
fundamental principles that make extreme sensitivity possible.

(Prof. Tominaga)
My research theme is the development of novel optical and terahertz devices based on the crystal growth of dilute bismide III-V compound semiconductors. I also explore the novel crystal growth technique for compound semiconductors using marine photosynthetic bacteria.

  • Yutaka Kadoya

    ProfessorYutaka Kadoya

  • Holger F. Hofmann

    ProfessorHolger F. Hofmann

  • Yoriko Tominaga

    Associate ProfessorYoriko Tominaga

Mesoscopic Physics Theory Laboratory

Mesoscopic Physics Theory Laboratory

In nanometer-scale systems made of semiconductors and/or metals, an electron exhibits unusual behaviors that reflect its wave-particle duality. A nano-sized structure also strongly affects light. For example, light in a periodic nanostructure shows a band structure similar to that of electrons in a crystal. We are conducting theoretical research on the quantum properties of electrons and light in such small systems. We explore and realize functional devices based on new operating principles by using quantum effects, such as tunneling and superconductivity, and topological band structures of waves in periodic structures.

  • Yositake Takane

    ProfessorYositake Takane

  • Munehiro Nishida

    Associate ProfessorMunehiro Nishida

Semiconductor Electronics Laboratory

Semiconductor Electronics Laboratory

Our laboratory performs research on “Semiconductor” that will support a future society. We aim to generate new value by developing unique technologies through electronic engineering.
Research that we are involved in includes innovative plasma technologies for electronic device fabrication using atmospheric-pressure thermal plasma jets.
We have also developed a technology to transfer thin single-crystal silicon layers using the meniscus force of water to a PET substrate that is used in PET bottles. We have succeeded in using this technology to create flexible electronic circuits that serve as flexible MOS transistors and CMOS inverters that possess the highest performance in the world.
We look forward to working with everyone to create a better future.

  • Seiichiro HIGASHI

    ProfessorSeiichiro HIGASHI

  • Hiroaki Hanafusa

    Associate ProfessorHiroaki Hanafusa

  • Program of Electrical, Systems and Information Engineering

Control System Theory Laboratory

Control System Theory Laboratory

“Control" is working in our immediate surroundings and has become one of the essential technologies in our daily lives. By the way, it is not enough if "things" move by "control," but cost reduction and energy saving can be realized by moving "things" efficiently. As a result, the role of control technology is larger than we can imagine, as it can lead to increased profits and the realization of a society that achieves the SDGs, which have recently been the focus of attention. Meanwhile, AI, IoT, cyber-physical systems (CPS), and digital transformation (DX) are attracting attention, and research and development is being conducted to realize a data-driven society.
In the Control Systems Engineering (CSE) Laboratory, education and research on the construction of "data-driven smart systems" are being promoted, focusing on control technologies that support a data-driven society.

  • Toru Yamamoto

    ProfessorToru Yamamoto

  • Shin Wakitani

    Associate ProfessorShin Wakitani

  • Takuya Kinoshita

    Associate ProfessorTakuya Kinoshita

  • Masayoshi Nakamoto

    Assistant ProfessorMasayoshi Nakamoto

Social Informatic Laboratory

Social Informatic Laboratory

In the real world with conflicting or cooperating agents, complex events occur due to interactions caused by their actions. Rational decision making can be achieved by appropriately handling the uncertainty.
The social informatics laboratory conducts various research, including decision analysis and data analysis considering conflicting or cooperative relationships, uncertainty, preferences, behavioral psychology, mathematical analysis based on game theory, multi-attribute utility analysis, simulation analysis, and large-scale data analysis using machine learning. As a practical application, we target optimization of planning, operation, and control in electric power systems. We train students to become engineers to be a helpful discipline to our society.

  • Tomohiro Hayashida

    ProfessorTomohiro Hayashida

  • Shinya Sekizaki

    Associate ProfessorShinya Sekizaki

Smart Robotics Laboratory

Smart Robotics Laboratory

Hyper-human technologies for realizing abilities that far exceed those of humans have the potential to revolutionize the social order, in the same way that the steam engine did in the Industrial Revolution of the 18th century and computers did in the IT Revolution of the 20th century. With this point of view, we are committed to researching hyper-human technologies, such as a high-speed robot eye that has a frame rate of 1000 frames/s or greater and other robotic technologies for achieving recognition and response rates that are 10 times faster than those of humans, to precipitate another Industrial Revolution in the 21st century. In particular, our laboratory focuses on actively pursuing research that is not restricted to the engineering fields of robotics, multimedia, and automation, but that also extends to biomedicine and other fields, with the goal of developing practical innovative technologies that impact society. Why don’t you join us to help introduce this unique, advanced robotics throughout Japan and the world and to strive for an Industrial Revolution in the 21st century?

  • Idaku Ishii

    ProfessorIdaku Ishii

  • Takeshi Takaki

    ProfessorTakeshi Takaki

  • Kohei Shimasaki

    Assistant ProfessorKohei Shimasaki

  • Feiyue Wang

    Designated Assistant ProfessorFeiyue Wang

Production Systems Engineering Laboratory

Production Systems Engineering Laboratory

The Production Systems Engineering Laboratory researches the design, planning, control, and management of production systems. In particular, based on industrial engineering, operations research, and human factors, we aim to solve various problems at the optimization and efficiency of production.
 Dear students, we conduct research and education to make production more efficient and optimized. The scope of the research covers not only the production at manufacturing industries but also the supply chain of materials, parts, products, and the creation of value-added activities such as service industries. The scope covers companies and many activities of human beings who live in society. If you are motivated and enthusiastic, we encourage you to study and research together and contribute to the prosperity and happiness of humanity.

  • Katsumi Morikawa

    Associate ProfessorKatsumi Morikawa

  • Keisuke Nagasawa

    Assistant ProfessorKeisuke Nagasawa

Electric Power and Energy System Laboratory

Electric Power and Energy System Laboratory

Electric Power and Energy Laboratory has accumulated the methods related to the power system analysis, planning, operation, and control, and now is working on optimizing these methods for next-generation environments by restructuring them as general-purpose analysis tools with additional functions. To solve issues related to the entire system from the software perspective described above, we also focus on hardware such as new inverters. We evaluate and discuss the optimization of the overall system construction from both hardware and software perspectives. We mainly focus on (1) proposal and experimental verification of ”Single-phase Synchronous Inverter (SSI)" developed by the original NIC (Non-interference core dynamics) design method, (2) development of "Supply and Demand Control Manager", (3) development of system analysis tools, (4) development of various control and planning methods.

  • Naoto Yorino

    Designated ProfessorNaoto Yorino

  • Yoshifumi Zoka

    ProfessorYoshifumi Zoka

  • Yutaka Sasaki

    Associate ProfessorYutaka Sasaki

  • Ahmed Bedawy

    Designated Associate ProfessorAhmed Bedawy

  • Satoshi Taoka

    Assistant ProfessorSatoshi Taoka

Biological Systems Laboratory

Biological Systems Laboratory

Living organisms developed in nature through the evolution process are equipped with supremely skilled and sophisticated biological functions that cannot be realized with current engineering techniques. Analysis of these mechanisms may lead to not only elucidation of biological functions but also development of a wide variety of novel engineering systems.
From the viewpoint of a scientist approaching the secrets of living organisms and from that of an engineer developing machinery useful for human kind, the members of Biological Systems Engineering laboratory work on a wide variety of projects to analyze the characteristics of biological functions from theoretical and experimental approaches employing engineering techniques aiming to find new principles peculiar to biological systems, and develop novel medical/welfare apparatuses and industrial devices by applying the elucidated principles.
Through such research activities, the students can learn in-depth knowledge about biological systems based on electricity, electronics, systems and information engineering foundation allowing themselves to become creative engineers capable of seeking a new principle and expanding it into new fields.

  • Toshio Tsuji

    ProfessorToshio Tsuji

  • Yuichi Kurita

    ProfessorYuichi Kurita

  • Zu Soh

    Associate ProfessorZu Soh